PKtechnik Trailers contacts


PK Technik s.r.o. has been operating successfully on the European market since 2012

   Thanks to many years of experience in this segment, in 2021 we built the main sales area in Hřebč near city Kladno , with a sales area of ​​more than 3,000 m² , with a stock of more than 150 pieces of top-quality trailers, ready for immediate collection . Our company is among the largest sellers of its kind in Europe . We only offer first-class trailer technology in the given segment.

 We are the only official  importer for the Czech Republic of trailers from the Cheval Liberté, Debon, Brian James, Z-Trailer, Respo and Gromex groups

privesy Cheval Liberte  privesy Debon  privesy_Brian_james_trailers_ceska_repubika_logo  Logo_ZF  Gromex logo  Privessy or the Czech Republic logo

Company headquarters, billing information:
There is no point of sale or establishment
PK Technik s.r.o.                
Holečkova 799/99
150 00 Praha 5
IČO: 24200247
DIČ: CZ2420047  
The company was registered on January 6, 2012 at the Municipal Court in Prague,
file number C188025                                                          
Bankovní spojení:
KB účet v CZK107-1219830257/0100
IBANCZ81 0100 0001 0712 1983 0257
KB účet v EUR: 123-1216840257/0100
IBANCZ63 0100 0001 2312 1684 0257


Central warehouse Prague:
Prague west - Hřebeč, Buštěhradská 453, 273 61
From Prague to Chomutov on the R7, 5 km after the Ruzyně airport, take the Kladno exit, 
after 2 km at the ČS Euro Oil Buštěhrad, turn left onto the Hřebeč complex.
Opening hours:
MON-FRI: 8:00-12:00 / 13:00-17:00
(SAT + SUN by prior arrangement)
infoline: +420607811916
Direct contacts:
Pavel Kabele - company management
Managing Director
Jan Moťka - sale of trailers,  E-SHOP
head of sales Hřebeč u Prahy headquarters
David Typlt  - sale of trailers,  E-SHOP
seller headquarters Hřebeč u Prahy
Tomáš Kočí - modifications, assembly
chief technician, modifications, assembly of accessories
Pavel Müller - IT systems management 
Olga Mikulcová - chief accountant 

Přívěsy PKtechnik Hřebeč 0

Přívěsy PKtechnik Hřebeč 1


Branch Liberec - Vratislavice:
Tanvaldská 1458, Liberec Vratislavice (at the silo)
Opening hours:
MON-FRI: 8:00-12:00 / 13:00-17:00
(SAT + SUN by prior arrangement)
infoline: +420773000361
Direct contacts:
Luděk Malý  - sale of trailers, ND and accessories
manager of the Liberec branch
Pavel Kabele - company management
PKtechnik Liberec trailers

Doksy branch - Česká Lípa:
Jiráskova 912, Doksy u Česká Lípa
Opening hours:
MON-FRI: 8:00-12:00 / 13:00-17:00
(SAT + SUN by prior arrangement)
infoline: +420 *** *** ***
Direct contacts:
XXXXXXXXXXXX  - sale of trailers, ND and accessories
Doksy branch manager
+420 *** *** ***
Pavel Kabele - company management
YZ9TpZ (1)  

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